How It All Started

1972 to the mid 1980's

Hi Bob Currie again.  Pictured above is my 1972 Trans Am with Roy and myself getting ready for the Sweet 16 Hill Climb just east of Ten Sleep, WY.  A five mile race on a paved road, with several switch-backs, up the side of a mountain.  I have always had an extreme love for cars and racing.  Over the years I have driven a wide range of race cars on dirt and asphalt.  Pictured below are some of my favorites, including our Sunoco Camaro Tribute Car to Mark Donahue, one of the worlds greatest road race drivers ever.


In 1985 I was racing a Stock Car in southern California and Arizona.  My home track was El Cajon Speedway where I had met Pat Donahue years before and we became very good friends.  After the season ended he asked me to join him at E & L Raceway in Del Mar to watch him race a 1:10 Scale Radio Controlled Race Car.  It was a lot of fun, not to mention the cars are so much easier to work on.  He let me drive his car and I think I hit every inch of the outer wall and went into the infield several times.  Not as easy as he made it look, but still fun.  I was hooked, purchased an RC-10 and started to race every weekend.


In 1986 after falling in love with the sport of racing RC Cars.  I saw a need for and manufactured several RC Parts in my small machine shop in El Cajon. I then opened a Hobby Store in San Diego and moved my machine shop into the back half of the store.  Sadly I haven’t found any pictures of the machine shop portion of the building behind the retail store.

Store Front


In 1987 Bill and I took our first 48 product items to a huge hobby show in Chicago.  At this show we met with several distributors and started our relationship with them. Items on display were among others: Dirt Oval Chassis, Turbo Glide Belt Drive Transmission, Dogbone Straightening Tool, Heavy Duty Suspension and Steering Linkage, Long Diff Shaft, Spray Mask and Parts for the RC-10, Ultima, JRX-2, JRX-T, Blackfoot, Big Bear and Traxxas RC Cars.

Products at First Trade Show
Bob at first show
Bill at first show

1988 -1989

In 1988 Bill, Pat, Pete and I took our Cars, Transmissions and over 250  product items to a huge hobby show in Los Angeles, CA.  At this show the EQUALIZER was the most innovative product available.  The success of Track Master RC was primarily because of the support of our sponsored racers pictured below after the race weekend at the NORCA 1989 Dirt Oval Nationals.

LA Convention


In 1988 the Turbo Glide Belt Drive Trans for the RC-10, Ultima, JRX-2, JRX-T and Blackfoot were very popular.  They were joined by the X-Caliber Direct Drive Trans for the RC-10, JRX-2 and Ultima.  Graphite and Aluminum versions were available for each of these builds.

1989 - 1992

In Late 1989 and Early 1992 the EQUALIZER was released and quickly became the main focus at Track Master.  The EQUALIZER was originally available with a Belt Drive Transmission.  The Direct Drive version was soon to follow.

In 1992 and 1993 Dirt Oval Racing was fading out and sales fell off.  Race Tracks were closing all over the country.  I decided it was time to find a new way to make a living.  So Track Master RC transformed into

Equalizer Signature Series Car

Track Master RC Today

I have a limited number of original parts and after moving them in boxes for the past 30 years I have decided it’s time to let them go.

I'm Selling Parts on EBay

My Sellers Name on EBay is SenQuest.  The Store Name is TMRCPARTS.  If you are looking for Track Master parts please come take a look or contact us thru email.